Thursday 6 February 2020


Well, it seems that I won't be doing a series about my pot plants after all. Richard doesn't want it and Robert can't read and understand anyway so why bother?

Here's what I did today instead.

I played tennis this morning which was pretty good except for the fact that one of the guys who thinks he's good, poaches his fellow players shots and runs across both sides of the court. He does this effectively bullying behaviour especially when partnered with a woman. I asked him if he shouldn't consider playing singles instead of doubles. I don't know if he understood the sarcasm.

After tennis, as it is slightly cooler today I set about trimming a couple of annoying trees at the front of the house.

Some protective gear was in order - boots, sunhat and gloves. Here's a picture of one of my boots.

Of course the tree trimmer gets clogged up with leaves and bits of branch and stops. This is what I expect. Fortunately I have Black & Decker equipment that is easy to dismantle, clean and reassemble . I wish that all garden equipment was like this. I think I'll buy a Black & Decker line trimmer.

The result was a clearer view of the water and the bottom of the drive.

The trailer is full now so I'll take this lot to the dump tomorrow.


Now, wasn't that more interesting than posts on god, religion and used car salesmen?

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

I can honestly say that this post took blogging to new heights.
From the bottom of a big hole to the ground.

Nay, but seriously folks...
I have the same pole saw. A great machine.