Robert posted about Palliser Bay today. This brought back fond memories for me as for many years between 1969 and 1980 (the more arithmetically-minded reader will no doubt see that as 11 years) I used to, with my brother and neighbourhood friends, go to Ocean Beach in Palliser Bay quite regularly. It'd be great to be able to "do it again". A neighbourhood friend of my brother's parents owned one of those baches there that were built in the1950s. I believe that these have now been demolished or handed over to DOC. See: this link OCEAN BEACH BACHES
We used to go there on weekends for a bit of fishing, hunting and generally 'horsing about' lighting bonfires on the beach and drinking beer. I remember some truly great holiday weekends there and it's a wonder that we got through them unscathed.
My brother eventually - in the mid 1970s I think - built a bach of his own a little bit further along the bay than the neighbourhood friend's parents bach. This obviously wasn't one of the 1950s baches that had some sort of historical reprieve from DOC and I'm certain that this would have been demolished if it hadn't already fallen down. My brother died in 2001 so I can't ask him unless Robert can intercede for me and set up a meeting in the afterlife (it won't be in Heaven).
Here are some photos I found on the web of Ocean Beach that show some of the longer-lasting baches.
You should move to YnewEOmartyr.
Well, at least the girls are smarter.
Don’t overexcite yourself Robert.
Thar won't happen here.
Ooo arrr by gum guv’ner, ee may be right.
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