Thursday, 12 December 2024


 I know that you're wondering what I've been up to. 

I have mentioned that I've been digging and paving but didn't go into sufficient detail for my news-hungry readers. I'm sorry about that and that you've had to satisfy your cravings by reading about Robert's garden pool extension. Never mind - here's an update on my excavations.

I laid a path with concrete pavers and lime-stone chips after digging out a channel below the deck about couple of years ago. See: HERE

I've now decided that the path is too low and, after the landscaper terraced the front garden, I built up the edges of this path with some left over wooden edging posts.

I lifted the concrete paver, scraped away the lime-stone chips and have been filling in with more earth to an extra depth of about 15 to 20 centimetres. I then cover with more weed mat and put the pavers down as you can see in the photos (3/4 done). I'll let these settle and weather in before adjusting the levels and orientation later.

I'm doing this because, although the deck has been compliant with regulations (minimum of 1.5 metres from the ground) I wanted the height to be even lower to the ground so as to be well within regulation. I've closed the gaps between pavers as well, having bought three extra ones and 3 more bags of lime-stone chips which I'll spread liberally.

It doesn't look like much but there's a lot of work to do here digging up about 3 cubic metres of dirt (about 16 tons) from below the deck and raising the level of the path. The concrete pavers are bloody heavy and manhandling them (The Old Girl didn't qualify for this job) into position has again munted my back. The rain yesterday and today has allowed me to take a breather but I'd like to get it finished by the end of the weekend.

I'll take some more photos then for you to drool over.

No need to thank me.


Richard (of RBB) said...

You'll need to work on your jokes, and tenses, before coming to Wellington.

Richard (of RBB) said...

A work in progress.

Richard (of RBB) said...

St Peter, the patron saint of pointless paved paths.


Good to see you Wellington guys keeping the tone of humour low until I get there.

Anonymous said...

I play tenses twice a week so I should be ok.