Saturday 19 February 2022


 * The more cinematic aware readers will see that title as a reference to that excellent Hal Ashby film Being There.

This film is well worth watching

I'm not like Chance the gardener unfortunately, or certainly not in terms of horticulture but I could give him a run for his money on naive political observations.

Anyway,  I did some more work on the pathway this afternoon and levelled off the base (remember that I have a spirit level now) and laid the weed-mat. I also tentatively put in the 'garden borders' to hold back soil. I will make these permanent once I've laid the gravel and cement mix and affixed the pavers.

Getting there

Earlier in the afternoon I got out the recently sharpened chainsaw and cut up another load of decking timber.

The woodshed is getting well full now so with the wood-burners and the heat pumps we will be cosy this coming winter.

I didn't get to play any golf today but yesterday played 6 holes in the morning. The conditions were great and the views on the course beautiful.

It only costs me $500 a year membership for the course and I can play as often as I like all year round. If I lived in a city, golfing would be too expensive but this is one of the advantages of living in the 'country'.


Richard (of RBB) said...

You're doing a good job. Keep it up.

Richard (of RBB) said...

"A woodshed is like sanctifying grace only kept outside and designed to protect its charges from the rain, so that it burns well." James Dickbreath.


Thanks Jim. We'll let you know.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I really ,really think that your golf course looks beautiful and is worth $42 a month.