Friday, 14 February 2025


 We know that Donald Trump is a coward and his macho posturing is done to hide his weaknesses. He's like a school bully really. We've seen his weakness and cowardice in his latest cow-towing to Putin and in allowing Elon Musk free reign in an unelected and probably illegal position. His latest embarrassment though is almost beyond belief.

Trump let Musk conduct a press meeting in the oval office while he sat in his shadow. To make it worse Musk again brought one of his kids with him, the one that he's wheeled out like a prop in other interviews. which was inappropriate in the setting.

Trump remained seated at the Resolute desk while Musk and his kid stole the limelight.

 Maybe Trump was worried that Musk might steal his desk again.

It was what the kid named X ( X Æ A-Xii) did during Musk's interview though that makes Trump the world's laughing stock.

X: "You're not the president and you need to go away,"

Trump: (nothing)

X: "I want you to shush your fucking mouth."

Trump: (nothing)

Musk during this kept wittering on, spewing out his nonsense and lies and ignored the interaction of X and Trump like parents of spoiled and indulged children do.

Trump just sat and glared, probably hoping that his Secret Service bodyguards would shoot the kid.

Can you believe this?

It's true and if you haven't seen any of the clips yet, watch these:

Note that the scaredy-cat media mostly reported that X said "Shush your mouth" when a 'hot mic' actually picked him up saying "I want you to shush your fucking mouth".

Donald Trump's presidential terms are reality that is stranger than fiction.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Wow, I hadn't heard that. I heard that Musk once sacked someone (a cleaner?) on the spot because a rubbish bin was full. I assumed he brought his son in to help try and soften his image.
I keep thinking of those predictions (Nostradamus?) that an Anti-Christ will arise and become the leader of the world.