Sunday 27 March 2011


When I was seeking out old photographs of Richard - sorry, I'll rewrite that - when I was seeking out photographs of old Richard I found this one

It reminded me of the one I posted a while back of my brother and me.

 Given that Richard and I are the same age the photo's must have been taken at roughly the same time. Note the clothes. These must have been the fashion of the day - late 1950's. My brother had a puppy image on his shirt. I had a pussycat. I can't see what Richard had.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Mine was just tough guy grey; with no cute little animals. Don't forget I'm eight days younger than you - maybe the slightly gay fashions changed before I got my manly grey outfit.

Nicola said...

Why do you have so many photos of Richard as a boy- you're not his aunt.


"you're not his aunt."

No, I'm his therapist.

Nicola said...

That explains a lot.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

It looks like he had a fence post. Just what every growing boy needs.

Especially to beat up his therapist who keeps insulting him

Angry Jesus said...

Brother Benedict, one of my flock, had a thing about little boys too.
Well, Richard was a handsome wee lad.