Friday 21 April 2017


 Boy what a change of weather last night and today. Yesterday I was swimming but last night had to put an extra blanket on the bed. Today has been 'freezing' (at least in Northland terms) and had to wear longs and a sweatshirt.

The Old Girl came up today and worked in the study all day with the wall heater on. I was wondering why the cat was in the hallway trying to get into the study. She knew it was warmer in there.

This cold and rain spell is forecast to last for a week. I hope we don't get another cyclone


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Then did come both mist and snow
And it was as emerald old;
Ice mast high floated by
Pete said "No cyclones"
I'm too afraid of cold".

And with each sip, in snowy drifts,
He saw a dismal Cheen;
Nor sign of bass or fiddle gleam,
The ice was all between.


Yep, I knew it would end up like this if you kept reading that Ancient Mariner stuff - you've turned into Coleridge (and we all know what happened to him).


You caring Southerners will be pleased to know that it's warm and sunny again up North.
The cold snap yesterday was an aberration (or as Robert Malaprop Geremy would say - an apparition).