Monday 24 February 2020


So what's been happening in the blogging community (you may well ask)?

Richard finally got around to writing a new post - he's averaging about two a week nowadays which is probably due to the fact that he is 67 years old. Things slow down a bit with age although I'm sure that he pees a lot more frequently.

A synopsis of his latest post is:
  • A greeting to imaginary readers
  • Acknowledgement that he's staying up later since he's forsaken chardonnay
  • An update on his violin practising
  • A threat to play in cemeteries
  • A lament that he doesn't get invited back to play
  • A complaint that his Italian house-guest couldn't be arsed to teach him Italian
  • A sign-off in Italian.

All that accompanied by some nebulous images.


Robert deleted his entire blog (again).


The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ have all been busy helping The Curmudgeon clean out his shed and the basement and taking a very large trailer load of things to the tip - rubbish, reusable and recycle stuff.
It cost $45 and, it was a job well done. Thanks to all who contributed.

This coming week will be busy. Here's a quick look at what's coming up (and which might not be posted on):
  • Major housekeeping as houseguests arrive on Wednesday
  • The Old Girl's cousin and her two sisters-in-law arrive for a stay of 3 days
  • Dentist
  • Probus committee meeting
  • Probus newsletter to produce
  • Some tennis
  • Some golf
  • Some bowls
  • Weed-spraying
  • Helping my neighbour build a composting facility
  • Apartment sale administration
  • Swimming if it remains as hot as it is today.
  • Civil Defence training session.



Richard (of RBB) said...

It was YOU who scared Robert the sinner off by saying he was going to Hell. In reality stealing is only a venial sin and can be recovered from. For your sin don't be surprised if Robert's blog eventually resurrects as something like 'Robert reports from hell'.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Or 'Robert the venial sinner'.


Or, if he's going to make money from it - "Robert the venal sinner"

Richard (of RBB) said...

At least it probably won't be - "Robert the venereal disease sinner."


Yeah, but on the other hand I doubt if he would be known as "Robert the venerable sinner".

Richard (of RBB) said...

Will this blog ever be updated?