Things have been getting a bit too serious around here so maybe we should 'lighten up' and show some humour in the blog posts again.
Not Richard's old and unfunny 'dad' jokes though, that's a given.
No, we need some fresh input.
Maybe Richard can brush up on his home-made cartoons which he is good at. His nickname of the 'stick man' wasn't for his sexual conquests that's for damned sure.
Then again, Robert and his new best friend AI could come up with some funnies.
I'll see if I can download a free cartoon maker programme*.
Have fun and I recommend that, to help that happen you should sin a lot.
* Most of those 'free' apps are scams though that at best seek to lock you in to subscriptions or at worst steal all your data.
You're a fun guy TC!*
* But, if I were you, I'd just hope that there is no hell!
After all, it makes one hell of a difference.
Why isn't Rob commenting?
Don't worry,I'll help out with comments.
And jokes.
What do you call a guy who keeps weighing himself?
Why is Dick short for Richard?
Because Richard has a short dick.
Hang on, that one's about me! 🤔
"People who can make fun of themselves have long been my favorite people. I’ve anecdotally found them to be much more confident and caring than people who only ever make fun of other people."
- Someone on the internet.
I agree with him/her/it and, by the way, I've always thought that you were a big dick.
Hope this helps.
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Yes, well done. Repetitive tag-lines are better than 'dad' jokes but only just.
Are you 'aving a laugh?
Our mothers wouldn't have liked your smutty pictures. "That's vulgar Peter", (in a cold voice that makes your heart freeze).
Here's a joke.
Three golf clubs went into a bar.
The barmaid asked them what they would like to drink.
The putter asked for a beer.
The No.3 Iron asked for a whiskey and coke.
The third golf club said "nothing for me, I'm the driver".
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