Yes, the great David Byrne and Talking Heads, prescient as always.
We need people like these artists to point out the fallacious arguments that politicians and their partisan media put forward and Byrne is on who does it best.
Reality does follow art sometimes and the impressive Justin Trudeau hasn't been shy to take it to Trump and his cronies. No doubt you've been following the lates Trump fiascoes but here's Trudeau - on point (en pointe).
Yes, and as I guess you picked up - Trump is indeed 'burning down the house'.
You just need to proofread.
Very good point though.
Hang on, I'll just go back and check the point...."We need people like artists to point out the fallacious arguments that politicians and their partisan media put forward". But do we? So I should not read the news but wait for a guitarist to write a song.?
Ah, go and play your bloody cello.
That can be read two ways.
1. Aaaaaaagh, go and play your BLOODY CELLO!!!!!!
2. AH HA, go and PLAY your bloody cello :)
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