Thursday 20 April 2017


Not this

I've been a bit remiss in the Windows series lately. Sorry about that. Easter and the necessity to mock Robert's religion got in the way.

The window that I'll show you here isn't actually in the house although we've had it for about 20 years

I bought it at a demolition warehouse in Christchurch when we were living there and had planned to install it in an internal door in the grand old house we owned.

It has nice celtic/Irish features in coloured glass that catch the light really well.

The motif along the edges match a similar motif we have in the glass at the top of the back door of our current house. I should put my home handyman hat on and create a door from the kitchen to the hallway with this panel installed in it......

....maybe not. The Old Girl gets nervous when I get the toolbox out.


Richard (of RBB) said...

What a wonderful post, very interesting. Gosh, where would such a door go? It could be a spectacular door when the sun hit it!


THE WINE GUY said...

"where would such a door go"

Well, it's basically rectangular, and you've got a big ar......

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Ha ha he had that coming... not literally...
You are lucky having that wooden frame around it; should be easy to cut a hole anywhere and add a few more 100x 50s to make it secure then jib and plaster, paint and ...
If you post it down to me I could say you a lot of worry!