Sunday, 12 October 2014


Certainly the reporters for the "SPY' section of The Herald on Sunday are.

In their report on Miley Cyrus's leisure-time activity while in Auckland they say that Miley "loves New Zealand weed" and recount how she told her teen audience in London to "quit smoking and start smoking weed instead ..because weed wll keep you young and get you laid"

Now am I missing something here?

It's my understanding that marijuana (cannabis) is controlled by the Misuse of drugs Act 1975 and that possession of any amount is illegal and can result in a fine of $500 for possession.

What the fuck is a skanky celebrity bint using it freely in Auckland and is allowed to get away with promoting its use to minors?

Now we all know, unless you are already brain dead from overusing the stuff that cannabis is dangerius, patrticularly to developing bodies ie. teenagers.

So where was even the slightest note of condemnation in the 'SPY' report?

1 comment:

Richard (of RBB) said...

The West Coast certainly makes you grumpy.