Wednesday 22 October 2014


.....with luck.

One downside of living in a high rise apartment is this little bugger.

He and his friends want to sit on my balcony.

This would be OK except for the mess that they leave.

Mountain of guano

The neighbour on the floor above feeds the scavengers as does someone a couple of floors below.

I've complained to the building manager who says that there's not a lot he can do but he will advise them of the hygiene problems.

Meanwhile I throw balled up socks at the window to scare them away when they settle on my balcony.

This works but I  have to be careful with my aim when the balcony door is open.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

When I was standing outside the court for Jury I looked up at that building on Lambton quay with coffin windows and was surprised to see pigeons being fed out a window.
My mother told me her dad was a caretaker of a similar building in Lambton quay and they annoyed him.
He mixed plaster of Paris with the bread!


"He mixed plaster of Paris with the bread!"


Now the bloody pigeons annoy me when they crap on my balcony but I won't kill them.
I assume that the plaster of paris blocked their intestines at worst or kept them from flying at best but bloody hell!
No wonder you lot annexed the Sudatenland and went on to devastate Europe.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Throw socks at them? Come on Curmudgeon (The)! Robert has just offered you a (final) solution and all you do is bleat on about some little incident in Europe that happened before we were born.