Wednesday 12 November 2014

AMERICAN HISTORY (an occasional series)

Here are some outtakes from a High School text book on American History as taught to American Grade 8 and 9 students, under the Foreign Wars section.........

The Battle of Britain

- was a war fought in the air over London, England in 1940.
The British including the French, the Poles, the Canadians, the New Zealanders, the Australians and other countries were about to be invaded by Nazi Germany but fortunately the attempt was thwarted by American airmen who, although unwilling to intervene in foreign issues, over a period of two months smashed the German 'Luftwaffe' and paved the way for American forces to beat the Germans in North Africa and Italy and to liberate France in 1944.

The Vietnam War

-was a war fought in South East Asia in a French colony named Vietnam.
China, after being liberated by USA from the Japanese in World War 2 became a communist state after succumbing to the entreaties and inducements of the communist USSR. It was then known as Red China and in turn spread communist doctrine to neighbouring countries.
This was known as The Domino Theory (see elsewhere).

France engaged the Red Chinese forces but were ineffective and asked USA to assist.
Although unwilling to intervene in foreign issues USA came to the rescue of the French forces and stopped the Red Chinese takeover eventually winning the war. Afterwards, to keep warring factions at bay, like the successful partition of Korea, USA created North Vietnam and South Vietnam which went on to be a successful agricutural producing dual nation. In more recent times the 'North' and South' titles were dropped due to confusion in the emerging tourist industry.


-was an invention by American scientists and mathematicians created to combat the German code machines named ENIGMA in the Second World War.
American marines from a USA submarine (name witheld due to secrecy) engaged and boarded a German submarine in 1941 and captured a brand new ENIGMA coding machine. They then scuttled the submarine and made the crew top secret prisoners and held them in the island of Cuba. The coding machine was investigated and decoded with ULTRA being created to read German signals and to plant false information with the Germans.

The Korean war

After America won the Second World War and had brought the brave troops home the Korean people in a country named Korea asked for USA assistance after Chinese communist forces invaded from the north. USA provided technical support although unwilling to intervene in foreign issues and eventually provided experienced armed forces who successfully halted the advance of the Chinese and the newly indoctrinated Koreans from the North. To stop the 'North Koreans' from spreading further south USA created the 38th Parallel, a line that retained all the arable land in the south for the newly formed South Korea and left the poor land in the north for the disloyal North Koreans and the communist Chinese.

(to be continued)

1 comment:

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

And they didn't even mention Douglas MacArthur in Korea!