Wednesday 22 March 2017


In my post PORN AGAIN a few days ago I talked about the relationship between the easy accessibility of violent, degrading and disturbing pornography across all media and the growth of 'rape culture' amongst young men.

I concluded:

"We can't teach young people about the need for consent and the importance of proper and healthy relationships while the opposite is freely touted in magazines, in film and on the internet porn sites. The slippage in values is something that the current and future generations are seriously going to suffer from. I'm happy that I won't be around in 30 or more years to witness the aftermath of this."

Geremy, aka Robert that born again Christian who lives with the Holy Ghost attributes 'the slippage of values' to lack of belief in the holy bird (in his case a seagull!) and the fact that society isn't applying 'the loving creators' laws thoroughly enough.

See his comments here:

Geremy said...
The slippage of values, or a society's judgement of what is important, will always be a moving target unless it is anchored to laws. God had to give the Hebrews the ten Commandments in the end!
Geremy said...
I was insinuating that morality, (ethics) and Godliness has been abandoned in favour of a selfish egotistical community that worships self instead of the loving creators.
          Geremy said...
Of course it will fly over your head, but why criticize porn while at the same time publishing it?
Geremy said...
1. Morality and ethics isn't dependent on a belief in God.
Answer. You don't have to believe in God but that doesn't mean God was the instigator!
2. Legislation against immorality, illegality and basic wrongs isn't waiting for the go ahead from a mythical episode concerning stone tablets lobbed down from above.
Answer. Exactly. Look at your own post about Trump!
3.Why criticise anything without using examples of what is being criticised?
Answer. I quote your own words. "Typical Christian Bullshit". An example is not required, one standard for atheists another for christians?

I guess that he's entitled to his opinion and in order to present a balanced argument I should follow up on PORN AGAIN with a god-botherers approach to the problem - BORN AGAIN



Young people become interested in sex. This usually happens at about age 18 especially if they haven't been attending church or saying their nightly prayers. At this age the stories that parents have told them in order to protect them from impure thoughts, about pregnancy resulting from The Holy Ghost touching the mother with a wing tip, are no longer accepted by them. They require more explanation.

It is helpful at this point to remind them that Mary, Blessed Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ was a Virgin. Her pregnancy was by Miraculous Conception with The Archangel Gabriel being sent down by God The Father to 'bless' her. As good Christians they will have no problem in continuing to believe this.

On the subject of sex God has said this on the subject:

1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Be not deceived, neither fornicators .... shall inherit the Kingdom of God."

Fornication is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse on the part of an unmarried person with a person of the opposite sex. The Bible makes it absolutely clear that God is completely unbending on this subject. All sexual relations between men and women not married to each other are taboo, so taboo in fact that the Old Testament solution to the violation was usually stoning. That ought to give us a fair idea of how strongly God feels about the subject.

Jesus took this even further by instructing that even thinking about committing adultery is as bad as actually doing it.
You see, what Jesus knew and was telling us is that lust usually begins in the mind and if we can keep the idea out of our minds we'll have a lot less trouble with our bodies.

"In the Old Testament God's people were forbidden to commit fornication. Then along came Jesus who said we're just as guilty if we wilfully think about committing it. And that means no sex, period. No romantic daydreaming about real or imagined lotharios ready to sweep us off our feet and carry us away from this "wretched life of singleness"; no secret attachment for our doctor, lawyer, minister or our neighbour's husband; no harmless flirtations with the guy at the office.
- Jo Anne Sekowsky A Christian Road Map for Women Travelling Alone. 

So, with good Christian teaching and observance we can avoid sex altogether except within the confines of marriage and for the purpose of procreation. This of course with the blessing of The Holy Ghost who should be with us at all times, even in our beds.

Outside of these parameters sex is fornication and fornication is forbidden.

Lustful thoughts lead to masturbation. While masturbation isn't technically forbidden by the Bible, lustful thoughts are so we have a Catch 22 situation here. It is better to put aside thoughts of masturbation and then the lustful thoughts will go away as well as they will have no outlet. If in doubt think of Jesus or the Virgin Mary. On second thoughts, best to think of the Holy Ghost as some of the depictions of Jesus and the Virgin Mary are a bit enticing. Better still think of a seagull.

Once we conquer the sinfulness of lust and masturbation we will take away the need for pornography and all of those nasty sites will disappear. There will be no need for governmental legislation. The power of God's Word and the teachings of the Bible will win out as Geremy aka Robert has said:

" God had to give the Hebrews the ten Commandments in the end!"


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

At the end of the day you just need to quieten your restless mind, think of nothing and think "Holy Spirit" and will Him to enter your soul.
Of course He is a person so He may ignore you!


If something was entering my soul I'd be thinking "Holy Shit" rather than "Holy Spirit"