Monday 27 March 2017


We live in a nice house.

It's spacious - a 5 bedroom villa although one bedroom is used as a study and another as the snooker room. It has high ceilings, a wide hallway and nice features.

Today though I was reminded of why I liked the place when I first saw it. The midday sun was lighting up the bathroom which faces East towards Mt Manaia.

I remember first walking into the bathroom and being struck by this window feature.

Of course the sun went behind a cloud as I took the photograph....

When signing the purchase agreement later I had to be reminded by The Old Girl as to how many bedrooms the house had but I remembered the bathroom.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Not really a post, more a comment on a window.


Well seeing as you didn't go the Apple way I thought you'd be more comfortable with Windows.

Bin Hire said...

A toilet window! For Allah's sake!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Love that window . Its beautiful and I know I'm not wrong !


Thank you Robert. I thought that you'd appreciate it. A window like that would suit your house as well.
Richard would be better off with black tar paper across his bathroom window.