Thursday 9 March 2017


It's midday and it might as well be late evening here at present.

We've had rain for a day and a half that has been enough to break the official drought. High winds are threatening trees, roofs and sheds and there is a thunder and lightning storm.

"OK so what" I hear you say but this is THE WINTERLESS NORTH! That savvy chap Robert even described it as Paradise in his recent post (actually he can't be all that savvy if he drinks something called The Pine Sauvignon Blanc).

'BOOM' goes the thunder and the house shakes.

'SPLASH SPLASH SPLASH' goes the rain against the windows.

'MEEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWW' goes the cat coming in to tell me that it's raining again.

I've noticed over the years that Willow has a pretty good vocabulary and has different sounds that have definite meanings. She has this one particular one she uses when coming indoors from the rain. It's the only time she uses it and I'm sure that she is informing us that it's raining or complaining about it.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Stay dry up there old fella. At least, if things get really bad and you are locked in, you can eat some cat food. I suppose you could eat the cat too if things get really desperate.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Has anyone ever described how to kill a cat?
My 40 kg dog is terrified of ours!


I don't find either of those comments funny and I'm sure that Tracey agrees.

Anonymous said...

yU betA notEE TUsh mi FOD!