Thursday 25 May 2017


Robert will probably have an enlightening view on this. As you will be aware First 'Lady' Melania Trump (and the step-daughter), when visiting the Pope wore a headscarf out of respect to Vatican and Catholic protocol but eschewed wearing head covering in Saudi Arabia.

This is of course stirring up a bit of controversy as you'd expect when the Trumps are involved.
The Vatican protocol is for women, when meeting the pope, to wear a headscarf, dark clothing, long dresses and to have sleeves covering their arms. In Saudi Arabia, while Muslim theocratic law requires women to have their heads (and naughty bits) covered this requirement is seen as optional.

I guess the reason for the difference is that the Saudi King isn't celibate. With having many wives and mistresses he's likely getting a bit now and then. The Pope however is (or is supposed to be) celibate so a flash of hair, elbow or a finely turned ankle from an attractive woman could send the old guy into sexual paroxysms and turn him into a slavering maniac going for a grab.

We can't have that.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm not sure!
If you are correct then the Pope certainly needs to wear civies and get out of the cloister.
If you are wrong then the Pope is a well balanced person and this interpretation is based on your own sexual concupiscence.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Best if the pope doesn't get a hard on.


Hey, I was baptised which was supposed to wash away all my sins and lustful thoughts past, present and future1
Are you saying that I was sold a pup?