Tuesday 6 March 2018


 ....  We all know the reference but I won't post the images or audio or film clips as they are too disturbing and should never be used in fun.

Robert and Richard - well Robert really has started a thread about Marist Brothers (and Priests) interfering with young boys in New Zealand schools on the 1960s.

This is a bit of a departure for Robert whose previous denial of such events was driven by his blind belief in the righteousness of the Catholic Church and the 'holiness' of its leaders and disciples.

I was educated by Nuns, Brothers and Priests in the Catholic education system and fortunately wasn't fiddled with ( or not that I can remember although Brother Paulinus complimenting me on my 'nice legs' and giving me a leading female role in a Noel Coward play is, in afterthought, a bit suspicious).


I'm no hero but have through my life supported the underdogs - stepping in at Primary, Intermediate and Secondary school to defend victims against bullies and have found myself standing up for the 'put upon' in my adult and working life. Paedophiles to me are the lowest of the low as they get their jollies from preying on small people who haven't the physical or emotional strength to resist them. The results are usually horrendous with the 'events' haunting the victim for the rest of his or her life and influencing (usually negatively) all their life choices while the paedophile merrily goes through his (usually) or her life without a care. Cunts!

It's distressing to know that most of these bastards hide behind social institutions, Education and religious organisations to both protect them and to bring them into contact with their victims. This is not news. This is a fact that is so obvious and glaring that the heads of these organisations should hang their heads in shame for ignoring the problems and not doing anything to fix them. I don't care if we are talking about Rolf Harris, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Jimmy Saville or the many, many 'celebrities', educationalists and religious leaders - there were people in superior positions that made them capable of intervening who did nothing. These people, to me are just as guilty and need to be 'outed' if not prosecuted.

I know that I'm an unforgiving bastard (see HERE) but that's the way I choose to be having met some real shits in my time. Robert in his latest Post mentioned a Catholic leader or administrator who said "I'm sorry" for not doing anything about a paedophile priest. Well that's not good enough. 'Sorries' don't help the people who lived through this shit.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

"This is a bit of a departure for Robert whose previous denial of such events was driven by his blind belief in the righteousness of the Catholic Church and the 'holiness' of its leaders and disciples."
Me thinks Curmudgeon's hatred has spilled over to the innocent.
Worship satan if you want but please don't confuse me with the Catholic Church as you know I just pray to the Holy Spirit and never go to that silly hypocritical thing called church!

Richard (of RBB) said...

The boys are at it again! Though 'Methinks' is one word. Though, everybody else but me is probably wrong. Think I'll go and have dinner. Ciao, lesser blogs.


"Worship satan if you want "

What crap. First there's no such bloody thing and second, if there was, just because I don't worship a god doesn't mean that I do the opposite.

" I just pray to the Holy Spirit and never go to that silly hypocritical thing called church!"
Well that's a start but you still choose to believe in a creation of Christianity, Catholic Church amongst them. Christianity's 'creation' is really a derivative of other religions belief in a 'spirit'. They just stole that like they stole most other things 'in the name of god'.

'Innocent'? - hardly, stupid yes.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Good to see the wine flowing freely boys. Not too late tonight please.