Monday 7 October 2019


I support the ideas and  values of the climate change protesters but disagree a bit in their activities. Protest? Sure, go for it. I've done a bit of that in my time when at university. Have strong opinions? Yes, the more the better. That's what democracy is all about. A bit of disruption? Yes, sometimes you have to make people sit up and notice, to stop what they are doing in their busy lives and have a think about things.

But ........ I draw the line at bloody arrogance and taking disruption to stupid levels. Seriously inconveniencing people after you've made your point is the quickest way to alienate people and to lose potential supporters.

OK, that said, I'm amused at the silly dicks who superglued their hands to the ANZ bank windows in Lambton Quay.



They got the idea I guess from protestors in Washington.


Look, it's good to make a point as I said. Go for it but if I was in authority in Wellington or Washington I wouldn't be in a hurry to take steps (and use up public resources) to carefully remove them. I'd leave them stuck there for as long as it takes for them to get tired of it or for their friends to take the time and expense to get their hands off the glass.

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