Sunday, 2 March 2025



I like fruit and in New Zealand we have a great selection of sensibly (not too forced) grown varieties that, if you stick to seasonality are fresh, crisp and flavoursome. We are not as dependant on internationally grown stuff like in USA and Europe that, while looking big and good tend to be bland and flabby.

Bananas and 'exotics' by and large are imported and it's important to choose wisely in the supermarket because, away from the inert gas environment in your own home these overdevelop rapidly.

I try to make sure that we use up the fruit we buy as quickly as possible although a soft banana is perfect for making a banana cake or a tuna and banana toasted sandwich.

Blueberries tend to be expensive with at best a small punnet costing about $5. I buy two at a time keeping one for myself that I use up in three portions for my breakfast cereal. The other I tell The Old Girl is hers and exhort her to not forget them and eat them while they are fresh. This doesn't always work and sometimes she has entirely forgotten or leaves a half full punnet in the fridge for a week. This bugs me and sometimes I use them up - picking out the manky ones and trying to eat the dried-out and now basically flavourless ones. It's best to 'drown' these in milk on top of Weetbix.

All OK you'd think but invariably I hear a call from the kitchen:

"You've eaten all the blueberries matey!"


1 comment:

Rob said...

Shouldn't this post be "Gone".
PS never been a big fan of blueberries, except in muffins. I do have them frozen in the freezer for K's smoothies.