Monday 14 January 2013


I did battle with the garden this morning before it got too hot. I want to load up the trailer to take rubbish to the tip, so gave the bloody convolvulus another hiding. This weed is a real bastard. See here:

It is insidious and invasive, wrapping itself around all the plants and trees in the garden.

The Old Girl attacks it at root level putting weed killer in a bottle and getting the weed's roots into it (advice also given by Kiwi Aid - thanks), but I tear down the tendrils that are strangling the plants and trees at a higher level. I'm reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy at present so feel like I'm tearing down the machinations of the evil guys.

It took a couple of hours by which time the sun had come out of cloud and it got really hot.
I went for a swim to cool down (the tide is the highest I've ever seen it here) and will be off to the tip soon once I've taken some more stuff (under the Old Girl's supervision) out of the basement. See here:


Richard (of RBB) said...

I saw The Hobbit yesterday. Yawn. Monster after bloody monster and everything happened high up above the ground. I was please to have a pee after this very long film.


It's a really good film. Jackson and co did well with this.


I guess we can be glad you waited until after the film to have your pee.

Richard (of RBB) said...

So, Mr Non Pleb, the story line goes (and so different to Lord of the Rings)...
a group of people set out to visit a mountain. They are attacked by big vicious dogs, they are attacked by nasty monsters, they climb up high, they are attacked by big vicious dogs, they are attacked by nasty monsters, they climb up high, they are attacked by big vicious dogs, they are attacked by nasty monsters, they climb up high, they are saved by giant birds and the film ends before they reach their destination. Along their way the people who capture them live up high on gateways made out of boards and rope. Just like James Bond they always seem to beat ridiculous odds to make it to safety. The only touching thing is that the Hobbit seems to represents common man and dwarfs are fucking ugly, except for the ones we are supposed to become fond of. Evidently this shit cost $6 million to make. Peter Jackson probably shits better stuff.


There's a job going at The Listener as film critic you should apply for.

Oh. I said The Listener. I should have said The Daily Oik.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I hear they're changing the name of this film to "Oh, What a Lively Bore"!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Sorry, I meant "Oh, What a Lovely Bore". Certainly not Lively.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Interesting post. CONVOLVULUS is indeed a nuisance here too.
Maybe Richard should read the real book by Harvard Lampoon..
"When Mr. Dildo Bugger of Bug End grudgingly announced his intention of throwing a free feed for all the boggies in his part of the Sty, the reaction in Boggietown was immediate-all through the messy little slum could be heard squeals of "Swell" and "hot puppies , grub!".


Don't encourage the philistine.