A couple of things today reminded me of the weird retail practices that abounded when I was young. The first was TSB in his blog mentioning that he remembers buying biscuits from a tin and taking them home in a brown paper bag. I remember Dad buying Griffins biscuits in a very large tin. It was a square tin with a round lid! I couldn't find an image of one. It wasn't like the sampler tins of today. They used to stand about 60 cm high and were about 30 cm wide.
The other thing was eating a frozen Mars bar. I like these type of things cold and, putting them in the back of the freezing compartment keeps them out of sight of The Old Girl who frowns on me eating such stuff.
Frozen Mars bar. |
I was reminded of our corner grocer in Vogeltown where we spent our pocket money. In those days there was a price difference between items off the shelf and items in the fridge. A coke or a buzz bar 'off-the-ice" was always a penny or so more expensive. Either old Mr Walker the grocer thought that the buzz bars and coca cola were eating up his electricity or he was just being usurious, ripping off a captive market in the summertime.
This probably didn't happen for TSB in Scotland (summertime as well as chilled confectionery) so here are some images for him that will remind him of his childhood.
Deep-fried Mars bar |
I recall going down to the corner dairy and getting Mum a loaf of bread or half a loaf. It was uncut and wrapped in white paper. Mum would be lucky if hte was nay bread left by teh time I got it home. Loved to peck out the soft white fluffy inside.
Also recall 4c iceblocks and soft drinks. Returning the empty bottles and getting money for them.
After race days at Trentham, me and the neighbourhood kids would roam the streets for empty softdrink bottles and cash them in at the dairy in exchange for a great nosh up of sweet treats. Those were the days!
I must protest.
I've never eaten a deep fried Mars bar in my life.
Deep fied Haggis, yes.
Deep fried pies, yes.
Deep fired Pizza, yes.
Deep fried confectionary, no.
TSB, the emergency number for Wellington Coronary Unit is: 0800 CLOGGED
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