Sunday 28 May 2017


Richard (of RBB)'s office looked like a senior executives penthouse office - that is if senior executives offices had: an old school desk supporting a broken computer and a recently bought bargain lap-top; a home made bookcase that sagged ominously in the middle; half-empty coffee cups dotted about on various surfaces; and discarded underpants that had seen better days.

This was the hub of Richard (of RBB)'s existence, a place of creativity, nostalgia, enterprise and, when no-one else was about, a little surreptitious internet searching. Lights came on in his den early on weekdays - between 5.30AM and 6 AM when the computer was fired up and the first blog posts of the day were banged out quickly and unthinkingly like Donald Trump's tweets while the kettle boiled for the first of the day's Nescafe coffee drinks. Weekends gave the den a bit of a respite with the blog posting, internet searching and email writing happening at a more gentlemanly time of between 8 AM and 9.30 AM.

But a change was looming. Retirement.

This meant that the den-like study would be under huge pressure. Along with the likelihood that Richard (of RBB) would still, at least for a while, rise early and snuggle his bum into the familiar seat at the desk and churn out his missives there was the certainty that this wouldn't cease at 7AM when he previously would leave for work. From August onwards there would be no work to go to.

The overladen and ominously sagging bookcase could almost be heard to groan in trepidation. How many more half-empty coffee cups (or underpants) could the flimsy structure endure before the inevitable collapse.



Still, that was weeks away yet so let's look on the bright side eh?


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Alas Richard had no den,
He shared computer and his home;
His life was spent with many friend,
Not daughter, son and wife alone.

A popular fellow for him they called,
Finding time in life for all;
Aunty, brother, niece... untold,
Don't challenge him he be no fool!

Richard (of RBB) said...

This post incited a poem!


No, I don't think so.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes it did.


Oh, a poem. So that was what that was.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Question mark.


Statements don't need question marks.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Bank statements often cause them.


Yes, I agree with that. Some recent ones of ours have caused raised eyebrows as well.
When Lynn is recovered after the op we might sell the apartment and buy something cheaper to clear the mortgage.
My salary has been paying the mortgage but I won't have one after the end of this month.

Maybe Robert will create a 'poem'.