Saturday 9 March 2019


I've just finished watching two series of GOMORRAH on Netflix.

This Italian crime series based on the Camorra in Naples is pretty gripping stuff that leaves American Mafia-type productions for dead. Richard, you might like it as they haven't overdubbed it the way they've done with other French and Italian series so you will be able to practice your Italian, albeit in a Neapolitan dialect.

The creator, Roberto Saviano wrote the series based on his book of a few years ago which was filmed as Gomorrah in 2008. That was also a powerful film.

This is gritty stuff with very unsympathetic characters who basically you don't care if they get blasted away as they are all bastards -from the top guys to the little underlings. Sure you can feel a bit for the shitty life in Naples that produces these rats but hey! Everyone has a choice in life of what to do. You don't have to be a gangster, a drug dealer and a murderer.


“Ad aver dato fastidio alle organizzazioni criminali è il mio lettore, non sono io. Il mio lettore è ciò che loro non vogliono, il fatto che in questo momento ne stiamo parlando, che ne hanno parlato tutti i giornali, che continuano ad uscire libri, che continuano a nascere documentari, è tutto questo che loro non vogliono, è l'attenzione su di loro, sui loro nomi, soprattutto sui loro affari.”
“Everyone I know is either dead or in jail. I want to become a boss. I want to have supermarkets, stores,
factories, I want to have women. I want three cars, I want respect when I go into a store, I want to have
warehouses all over the world. And then I want to die. I want to die like a man, like someone who truly
commands. I want to be killed.”

Tutto posto.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I do not really get the point.
You sound almost excited by all that blood letting!

THE WINE GUY said...

Kind of like you do on Sundays when munching into the body and blood of Christ.