Friday 8 March 2019


It was raining today so I decided to 'go to the movies'

I hate that expression see: HERE  and prefer to say "I went to see a film'.

The film I saw was THE GREEN BOOK  directed by Peter Farrelly. It was really good and had Viggo Mortensen at his usual best.


This is a great little film that tackles some big issues without getting high handed about it. The characters don't change the world but they do go through some changes in their own personal attitudes and prejudices. It's beautifully filmed creating a 1960's America setting. This is well worth seeing.

I note that Richard (of RBB) has already seen this film. If it wasn't for the fact that there's a music theme in it I'd have suspected that Shelley had dragged him along as neither Bruce Willis nor Liam Neeson are in it and **SPOILER ALERT** apart from 2 gunshots (in the air) there are no shootouts and only a couple of punch-ups.

I'm not surprised that Mortensen was nominated as best actor for his role at the Screen Actor's Guild Awards, BAFTA, The OSCARS and the Golden Globe Awards.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It tackled big issues... I presume you are talking about abortion, sex before marriage, or putting Jesus before materialism!


Actually it was more about racism.
Abortion wasn't relevant to the story.
I was unaware that sex before marriage is any sort of issue.
That last one "putting Jesus before materialism" is just silly.

I wonder, do you bang on about this ridiculous religious belief of yours and your irrational views on abortion, homosexuality and 'sex before marriage' to your workmates and immediate family?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Is this film about the evil of sex before marriage? Hey, most of those priests who had sex weren't married.

Richard (of RBB) said...

It was a really good movie.


It was a really good film.


Tony say's 'Hi' by the way.
He's doing better - I've forwarded his email to you.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Thanks. Been a bit slack on reading emails lately. Sorry.