Sunday 24 March 2019


I was up early this morning. It's another lovely day and the forecasters say we have another week of mid-20s weather before Autumn starts to show.

I did some gardening before it got too warm, chopping out some scrappy ferns and flax and felling an unhealthy punga that was obscuring the view from the bedroom window.

I was hot after this so went for a long swim as the tide was well in due to the full moon influence.

The Old Girl has gone for a walk, probably around Reotahi. I'm making a fresh loaf of bread so left her to go on her own.

I hope that you are having a nice day too.


Richard (of RBB) said...

"I hope that you are having a nice day too."
Why are you being so nice to us?

Anonymous said...

Post update please.