News just to hand that Richard (of Richard's Bass Bag) has gone to Napier for a few days. This sent a wave a ripple of consternation amongst the blogging community. After all, who will write boring posts about music theory while he's gone? Who will challenge Robert about truth, abortion, right wing thinking and, masturbation? Who will make rude comments on The Curmudgeon's blogs?
Well, we at The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ discussed this and agreed that, once more The Curmudgeon will step in (with apologies to Will Shakespeare).
Richard's Bass Bag
the original bass bagging site
(Temporary outplacement)
(Like the Cheshire cat's smile this is all he left)
Hello reader(s). This is Richard here - well not really here as I'm there or trying to get there but will be unavailable for posting over the next few days. I will be able to read posts and comment on them using my phone but posting is right out. Fortunately The Curmudgeons Inc.ⓒ offer a caretaking service for blogs when the owners are away so, for the promise of a few glasses of a good, and probably salty, chardonnay The Curmudgeon is going to write my posts for a few days. I hope he doesn't do too good a job, ha ha or you may not want to come back to my blog.
First up is a bit of boring music theory that you've come to expect from Richard's Bass Bag. Tonight we will discuss musical rests. Well, not all of them obviously - give it a rest! See what I did there?
The Eighth Rest (Quaver Rest)
This is also known as the quaverest - sorry, quaver rest. Musical rests are symbols used in music to represent silence. As a schoolteacher I know that silence is important and suitable indicators are necessary to achieve this. In music though, canes, swear words, obscene gestures and wooden dusters aren't applicable so a little symbol was invented "Who invented it?" I hear you ask. Well, that will have to wait for a future posts as time is marching on for this one.
I'll let you know however that there are different types of rests, these include the quarter rest, half rest and whole rest.
Each of these rests correspond with a particular note value. For instance a quarter rest has the same duration as a quarter note, a half rest has the same duration as a half note and a whole rest lasts as long as a whole note. While the note makes a sound, the rest is silent.
The combination of rests and notes makes music interesting. Without rests it would be boring. Imagine hearing a speaker go on and on without any pause between the words or a blogger banging on about things that he or she doesn't understand..

In a 4/4 time signature, a whole rest lasts for four beats, a 1/2 rest for two beats, a 1/4 rest for one beat and an 1/8 rest for half a beat.
An eighth rest is half the length of a quarter rest. In other words two eighth rests make up a quarter rest, while four of them make up a half rest, and eight 1/8 notes make up a whole rest.
I'll leave that there now. We can discuss the rest later - ha ha.
Next we have a little dig at Robert. Remember Robert? No? Well he's the catholic apologist chap who calls himself Robert The Apathetic Sinner. He has a blog that regularly gets flushed (his term referring to a toilet flushing which is actually quite appropriate and probably ironic).
Robert and I spar over issues of sexual molestation by marist brothers, pro vs anti-abortion, left wing vs right wing politics, creationism vs evolution, music - and, well, just about everything. We are, after all, brothers.
For Robert I'm suggesting that there is a right wing white supremacist group in USA named Proud Boys.
These guys are not to be confused with The Prowse Brothers even though they share the same initials.
What will be good news for Robert is that Robert's hero, Donald Trump has publically approved of The Proud Boys and is helping them achieve recognition and membership growth.
Unlike with The Prowse Brothers, Robert shares many beliefs with The Proud Boys who are a far-right, anti-immigrant, anti-gay (including LGBT), anti - feminism and anti - socialist all-male group.
A Proud Boy must declare that he is "a Western chauvinist who refuses to apologise for creating the modern world".
Their platform, such as it is, includes Trumpian ideas ("glorify the entrepreneur", "close the border") libertarianism ("give everyone a gun", "end welfare") and traditional gender roles ("venerate the housewife"). They also are anti socialism, anti abortion, pro life, and anti- masturbation (although members are allowed to wank once a month). Proud Boys identify themselves as christians and are anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, anti-atheist and - I guess anti- any religion or culture that's not their own.
Finally we need to be rude to The Curmudgeon even though he is being very kind and helpful by caretaking 'the blog'.
La nonna del burbero indossava stivali militari!
Ha ha ha .