Wednesday 7 October 2020


 I like watching the quiz game shows on television particularly Tipping Point and The Chase.

I also liked Eggheads but haven't seen that around for a while.

I get very frustrated though when poorly educated people are on these shows as they rarely answer questions correctly outside of wild guesses and, to me, they are taking up a space that someone more deserving might be occupying.

Most of the time these people are younger - as in less than 30. They may well be students or have degrees or are in positions of responsibility but the gaps in their education is appalling.

Invariably any questions on politics, history, geography, religion, literature, science, art, classic cinema and music before y2k are more often wrongly answered by the younger contestants.

OK, you might say - they are younger so don't know about the older things. Well, if you say this you're an idiot. 

Having been born in the mid-20th century doesn't stop me knowing of events, inventions, people's lives, accomplishments etc. from more than 20 years before. I watch some people, living in the U.K. who don't know: when the Second World War was fought; where the French Revolution took place (let alone when); which decade was impressionism started; in which continent Buddhism originated; which ocean is the largest; who was the first British female Prime Minister - etc.

The fact that they know the names of ridiculous rappers, boy bands and the latest super-hero films just doesn't make up for it.

This worrying knowledge gap isn't being filled by anything else except a shallow technical understanding how their phones work or how to navigate around social media.

I blame the schools.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Ha ha. Our schools are based on the English model. From what I've seen of the new initiatives, things are going to get worse.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, maybe just in the next 30 years. Still, students don't suffer beatings these days and minorities and different gender people have it slightly better.


Beatings, strapping and canings never hurt me - well, only superficially but I must admit, the outlay on dominatrixes over the years has been draining.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You look nice in leather.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Nice, like a rhino looks nice with fur.