Friday, 30 October 2020


 Remember this?

Well, it's not surprising if you don't as this image was used in the latest (days old really) post on a very obscure blog that goes by the name Richard's Bass Bag (not a fishing blog).

There was a lot of writing on this post but I won't bore you with the detail. The theme was something to do with fingers I guess but the content was impenetrable. Here's a snippet to show what I mean:

"All our bodies are a bit different and how we choose to set up the violin - chin rest or not, shoulder rest or not, placement of these devises (sic) - will make a difference. Our bodies and arms and hands also come in different sizes. Little variations in fingerings might be good for us. Maybe even big variations?"

I'm not sure if this is supposed to be about music or if it is an excerpt from some sort of sex manual .

Anyway - when I saw this image from the 2020 Wildlife Photography Awards I recalled Richard's post.

At least this one has a kind of fishing theme going.



"I would never, ever say Richard is anything other than an excellent violinist."

Oh really! I thought that you just did.

Also, that comment should have gone on Richard's blog post, not this.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm planning to get lessons from Sue.


Here we go.