Tuesday 20 October 2020



That horrible Collins woman got her comeuppance on Saturday night when New Zealand voters gave National its biggest thrashing ever. National has been on the back foot for the last 3 years with leadership changes and a very shaky opposition performance but, quite frankly a stuffed toy would have won more votes for their party than Collins.So, does Collins apportion any blame to herself?No, as you would expect from an ego-driven politician like her (narcissist?).          WASN'T ME

Which reminded me of this:


But that's entertainment and fiction.

Here's another odious politician you all know refusing to take responsibility for his actions - or inaction.

Watch after about 1 minute 15 seconds. "I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY" - TRUMP

No doubt, after this idiot gets the boot in November he, like Collins will be saying "It wasn't me".


Richard (of RBB) said...

Let's hope that he does get the boot. I'm worried about that.


Yeah, I know what you mean. The way that the USA electoral system is set up means that the result is jacked in the Republicans favour (as per 4 years ago). With the recent election box interference, a possible millions of Democrat votes will go uncollected or rendered null and void.

Hey though! A great result on Saturday night and, of course Sunday afternoon.

I attended a PROBUS meeting this morning and Eric Rush was guest speaker. This guy is amazing. He has an accomplished sporting and business career and is a really good and amusing speaker. He's also humble about his Northland origins and is a great role model.

Richard (of RBB) said...

But why didn't you comment on m latest post?
Robert didn't bother either.


Because I don't feel qualified and I didn't want to make funny comments.

Richard (of RBB) said...

You could have said something about Marlborough chardonnay.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I tried to comment this morning on my iPhone unsuccessfully. I'll right it now!
Does Peter really want the very people who are causing mayhem in the states to govern?


Robert, you need to take a more balanced approach to reading up on USA news. Fox and the few other right wing media channels give a dangerous view of reality. Balance this with some CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian, LA Times and a whole lot of other serious and responsible media.

Your comment is disturbing.

What do you think about the Labour victory in NZ? Justification for 3 years of hard work and inspired leadership I would think.


Robert, have you read my previous post as The Religious Curmudgeon - '"How DARE YOU"?