Friday 23 October 2020


 I'm getting tired of the advertisements on TV where promotion of products or services are being mixed into saccharine, schmaltzy and tearjerker stories.

Trustpower are one of the worst at it.

Remember this one from 5 years ago? I'M NOT SHY

Get a load of this load of bollocks which is the new Trustpower ad: LOST AND FOUND

Can anyone tell me what this has got to do with power and broadband provision?

Years ago Telecom ran the 'Spot' the dog series of ads. Mainland cheese featured the old guys for years (recently redone). Anchor created the family. Lotto has been at it relentlessly. Sealord is running the 'swim like a fish' ad and may others are doing the same thing with only a few making a sensible connection to the product or service that they are foisting on us.

Give us a break (and not an ad break).


Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm ashamed to admit that I actually enjoyed these two video clips.

Sorry, maybe I've overdone it on arpeggios today.


You better go off to confession with Robert tomorrow then.
His god might forgive you.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I didn't watch them because that would be falling into the same trap you deplore!

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, that's a bit apathetic. Oh yes, I see, you are Robert the apathetic sinner.