Thursday 7 March 2024



Yep that sums up this dumb and low class deluded congresswoman. She has the grace and charm of an overfed sea slug.

I guess though that her stupidity and her blind support for Donald Trump appeals to the red-hat wearers in USA. They're scared of intelligent debate and respond best to cat-calls and childish slogans.

Trump will get the candidacy to run for president - that's a given and, paradoxically to all I believe in, it might not be a bad thing. If the odious fool is given the chance to run and gets soundly beaten in the elections - not a close contest - then the red-hat brigade should accept the defeat. If he is not allowed to run then there will be big trouble brewing over there - insurrection at best and civil war at worst. This bozo needs to be put down, but put down within the confines of democracy and the American political and judicial system. Anything else triggers conspiracy theories  and martyrdom fanaticism.

Trump, even though he is a medium intelligent fool has, over the last eight years managed to stack the aforesaid American political and judicial system with cronies who do his bidding. We've seen that in the Supreme Court placements that are now biting reasonability and rightness on the bum. We've seen it in the running of the Republican Party which has bent to Trumps will and makes poor decisions in both the Senate and in Congress. We've seen it in Trumps stranglehold on the Republican National Committee (RNC) which just now voted down a resolution to ban paying Trump's legal bills. Henry Barbour, who serves as Mississippi’s national committeeman, confirmed that the resolutions he drafted that would have prohibited the committee from covering the former president’s growing legal bills is dead. This, if Trump gets elected will be made worse by the fact that Trump's dingbat and under-qualified daughter-in-law Lara Trump will be put in a controlling position on the RNC. Not only will his legal bills be paid but likely his fines (half a billion dollars worth and counting as well).

How did USA get to this point? Under any former presidents, the level of the Trump family influence would be unthinkable. It's not even as if they are intelligent with their wealth coming from inheritance and grift. Ivanka and Jarrod weren't that clever but still managed to obtain positions of power under Trump's presidency that resulted in them obtaining fantastic wealth. It's not a stretch to imagine his Beavis and Butt-head sons Don Junior and Eric doing the same.

Trump and his minions have managed to inveigle thousands of supporters into positions of power and influence in the Federal system as well as in many of the states particularly the red-hat states. This has been done under the Biden led Democratic presidency. Imagine how things will be if Trump gets elected again? Dystopian? Hell yes and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale was just scratching the surface.

You have to wonder though, given the combination of dimness, under-qualification and lack of sophistication in the Trumps and their acolytes - who is pulling the strings?


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes, very worrying.
Still, on the bright side, a lot of Catholics are doing that nine months prayer thing.


Thank Robert’s god for that.
What would we do without these guys?

Richard (of RBB) said...

No need for thanks.

Richard (of RBB) said...


Richard (of RBB) said...

FiiiiivvvvvvvvEEEEeeeEEEEeeEEEEee 5

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Another great post from Peter.
You should be a journalist, I hear there are some vacancies.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Well, the comments are coming it.


And some of them don’t have spelling errors.