Wednesday 6 March 2024


 I had to have a lie down after reading Robert's last two exciting posts. I don't think that the old ticker can handle stuff like that.

I thought that I'd better slow down the pace a bit so that readers who might have also read Robert's posts can have a rest.

This morning I loaded up the trailer with tree cuttings, flax, yucca leaves and general garden rubbish. It took a while as it was a big load. I headed off to the local - Parua Bay building depot - where they accept green waste at a charge of $25 whether it has flax in it or not. It was closed. Bummer!

I then drove into town to the main Resort centre - an extra 25 minutes away. As I had a mixture of green waste and flax the load is calculated on general rubbish rates as it had to be emptied in the general rubbish area not green waste. The charge was $55. Green waste charge is about $25.

I reversed my trailer in - I'm getting quite good at that - emptied it and, after sweeping out the trailer had a fossick in the resort centre shop. I bought this for $3.

Adjustable jaw grips or locking pliers are handy for gripping pipes or bolts while using a spanner* on a nut at the other end. I didn't have one of these and knew that if I didn't buy it then sometime in the near future it would be required and I'd say to myself "I should have bought those adjustable jaw grips". I made sure that I put them away in the tool cupboard when I got home so that The Old Girl wouldn't see.

On the way home I stopped at the Parua Bay bakery to buy a couple of butter chicken pies for my and The Old Girl's lunch. They make a pretty good butter chicken pie here. When taking one out of the cabinet using tongs to drop it in a paper bag I did just that - dropped it but not into the bag. It went *SPLAT* onto the floor. Bummer!

I got two more out of the cabinet, picked up the splatted one and paid for the three and asked the bakery person to put the broken one in the rubbish.

So - how's your day going?

* For a totally useless observation on the use of a spanner go to: RICHARDS BASS BAG


Richard (of RBB) said...

You're nailing this posting thing! You'll get at least 20 comments for this!


Well, I do have a new gripping tool which helps.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes. Very true.


Only 16 more comments to come.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Let's make that fifteen!

Richard (of RBB)