Saturday 2 March 2024


 I'm watching the cricket on TV while writing this post.

I don't hold out much hope for a win though but then, sport can be unpredictable unlike the other bloggers in this blogging community who reacted exactly as I expected to the latest The Religious Curmudgeon's post.

Robert remonstrated on religious grounds:

I think that he's confusing me with someone who cares about the nonsense that the Catholic Church puts out.

Richard, as expected chose to have a go at Google Translate and Italian language translation:

The old Luddite hasn't yet got his head around the fact that on-line translations are here to stay and it's not a 'sin' to use them rather than taking more than twenty years to learn another language like he has.


We'll leave silly old religion and unimportant languages alone at the moment and move on to other posts. Fence posts.

This morning I did a couple of hours of tree trimming and gardening while it was relatively cool. While trimming the feijoa trees at the back fence - a raggedy old wire fence that separates our property from the farm next door - the farm owner came over for a chat.

We discussed sharing the cost of a new fence to replace the sagging wire one. She said that they had a lot of wooden fencing material and so the cost would be in labour and a bit of new stuff. I agreed that a fancy fence wasn't necessary and that a  farm-style fence would do - something sturdy to keep the cows and horses from breaking through into our garden.

The old girl agrees so we'll get that underway soon. If you readers are lucky this could become a post series - a fence post series. Ha ha - you see what I did there?


Richard (of RBB) said...

"If you readers are lucky this could become a post series."

Be careful, you are spoiling us!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I'm still trying to stop thinking about those horses and cows eating your lettuces.