Friday 26 July 2024


 * No, not a sigh of relief after finishing reading Richard's and Robert's posts although they were an ordeal.

The 'whew' in question is a reflection of how warm it is here today - shorts and T-shirt weather again.

I've just been for a long walk and am now quite hot which is not a usual description of me.

Not like this

More in this camp

I watched some pre-Olympic Games games through the night which were disappointing with the NZ women's football team losing to Canada and the NZ rugby 7s team losing the quarter-final to South Africa. Not a day for celebration.

The Games proper begins tomorrow and I have a Sky Pass to watch. I'll see if I can find a comprehensive schedule on-line so I can set alerts for what I want to watch. When it comes to New Zealand this will be: kayaking, canoeing and rowing; cycling; swimming; women's rugby 7s; men's triathlon and a few odds and sods.

When it comes to other sports I'll be looking at the track and field events, golf, some hockey and football and, as a given, women's beach volleyball!

I love the Olympics and feel that it's a shame that World Games and various other events have watered it down kind of like how the excess of televised sport has diminished my interest.

Never-mind, I'm sure that there will still some great sights.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Fortunately dreams are free.


No, not dreams - I just like looking at nice things.


Beach ball? What beach ball?

Oh, good old non-sinning Robert, I see, yes, blame the diminished ozone layer.