Sunday 28 July 2024


I bought a SkyPass for the 2024 Olympics and have started watching events that New Zealand feature in along with some other interesting ones (you know which ones Robert!).

The trouble is that Sky Sports have got a little bit too clever for themselves and have created a platform that is extremely hard to navigate through and that renders quick searches redundant.

There's just so much going on in this busy app that, by the time I find the event I want to watch the bloody thing is almost over.

Is it just me?

Should I ask The Curmudgeon's Agony Aunt?

"Beat me ... sorry, beats me."

Have any other readers had the same problem .... no, best not to ask. The readers on this blog have trouble tying their shoe laces and putting their pants on the right way around so I doubt that they would be successful in even subscribing to Sky Sports.

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