Monday 15 July 2024


We're all familiar with the situation where when some miserable bastard dies, one who has made everyone else's lives miserable, but now that they've gone everyone say's nice or at worst neutral things about them.

* We're all familiar with this saying as well - "Chicken's coming home to roost".

Idioms and Phrases

The consequences of doing wrong always catch up with the wrongdoer, as in Now that you're finally admitting your true age, no one believes you—chickens come home to roost . The fact that chickens usually come home to rest and sleep has long been known, but the idea was used figuratively only in 1809, when Robert Southey wrote, “Curses are like young chickens, they always come home to roost” ( The Curse of Kehama ).


I'm not going to (hopefully) write a lot of posts on Donald Trump's shooting as I have no doubt that this event will dominate news media for months and overshadow more significant events, tragedies, disasters and wars and quite frankly the orange idiot doesn't deserve any more press - certainly not any good stuff.

Donald Trump has for years been an abusive, racist, misogynistic and cruel bully and a coward to boot. He has deliberately incited violence and showed a willingness to back dictators, thieves, criminals, pedophiles, fascists and white supremacists. He has lied continually, cheated people and denied that he lost the 2020 election. He is not a good man. We all know that. But ... now the media - certainly the right wing ones and also the centrist ones are painting him as being the victim of violence that has been fomented by left wing democrats and the Biden administration. There already has been, and there will be a lot more to come, lamenting and wailing and sympathetic support for him. He will be painted as a hero and a great patriot and nearly everyone will forget that he has shown so much cowardice, vulgarity and meanness in his life so far. He will now, even though he didn't die, be that nice old guy who has everyone's best interests at heart**.

Give me a break.

In this guy's case his chickens have certainly come home to roost. His shooter is exactly the type of guy that he has systematically refused to recognise as a problem with his support of the gun lobby and the Second Amendment. A 20 year old, disaffected loser with an AR-15 type assault rifle is the typical mass shooter that Trump refused to acknowledge. Now though he will still not acknowledge it and will build up a myth of invincibility, bravery and being chosen by god to lead.


** He certainly didn't have the protection squad's best interests and safety at heart when, as they were trying to get him off the platform, he held them up because he wanted to make his extravagant fist pumping display. He would have been OK, surrounded by the officers but if there had been another shooter, one or more of the protection squad could have 'bought it'.