Thursday 18 July 2024


 The deification of Donald Trump after the attempted assassination* is disgusting to watch. Americans can be so naive and simple sometimes and are forgetting about his transgressions and forgiving the most disgusting politician in their history. This is happening now and will be something that they will be ashamed of in the future.

The takeouts from the RNC conference I've seen have shown a constant stream of self-serving arse-lickers falling over each other to endorse the smirking slug.

Politicians who have recently slated Trump for his stupidity, his egregiousness, his criminality and his dangerous right wing connections have suddenly done about-faces and are now singing his praises.


Believe me there are many of the weasels but here's just a few as an example.

J.D. Vance, the  Republican Senator from Ohio and now Vice President nominee compared Trump to Hitler, called him an idiot and warned Christians that “everyone is watching when we apologise for this man”.
Now Vance is supporting Trump in his policies and is 'kissing the ring' although many commentators are concerned that he might be a 'fox in the henhouse' and his change is all about getting the V.P. position to run for president later. This arsehole is way further to the right than Trump is.

Former South Carolina GOP Governor Nikki  Hayley who ran against Trump in the selections once said about Trump “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”
Now the simp is singing his praises.

Ron De Santos the Republican Florida Governor who also ran against Trump in the Primary Selections and who Trump vilified previously said about Trump:  “You can be the strongest, most dynamic, successful Republican and conservative in America, but if you don’t kiss that ring, then he’ll try to trash you,” 
Now this pussy is kissing the ring saying that even if he once had disagreements he will support Trump for President.

The jury is still out with me as to how much of this was a planned sympathy seeking stunt that went wrong but surprisingly turned out well for them.

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