Thursday 25 July 2024


 I admit that yesterday's post was a bit of a filler - Mea Culpa*.

Today I didn't wake until 8.30! Today is a tennis day so I was worried that I'd be late. When I opened the curtains though I saw that it's a dreary day so made a cup of tea and went back to bed.

Now that it's after 10 I see that the weather is clearing and it could have been a good tennis day if this had happened an hour or so earlier.

I would still have been late though.

Pizza for tea tonight I think. Tuna, anchovies, olives, capers on a pesto and cheese base.

I managed to get two light-timers sorted for when I go to Christchurch. They are, like most contraptions, bloody complicated and I always forget how to operate them. Sorted now though.

For the life of me, I cannot find the two Icebreaker undershirts that I wear in cold weather. They are both made from merino wool so are lightweight but very warm. I've looked in every drawer, wardrobe and cupboard in the house and in every bag and suitcase in the shed and the attic. Nothing. I don't recall giving them away but I did, about a year ago pack up a lot of unused clothing - some new - and gave away to an op shop. Maybe I included my merino shirts. Bummer! It's likely though that, come summer, I'll find them in a place I haven't looked.

I'll make a trip into town today and go to some outdoor clothing shops like Kathmandu to see if I can find replacements. I'm sure that I'll need some warmer items for my trip to Christchurch and Dunedin.

I might do some more basement excavation today. I'm about 2/3rds through the job so should get it finished. I've got the right tools now. Have I told you? I can provide links to past posts if you like ... just kidding.

Although it's been raining a lot recently I haven't used my Muckboot long boots. They're great but it takes so long to get them off that I'm never in a hurry to put them on.

I hope that you enjoyed the picture. Fortunately it's an old one so I didn't have to put the boots on to pose for a new one.

If I get sorted and go in to town soon I'll be able to buy a filled roll from Woolworths for my lunch. These are so delicious and popular that you have to get there before 12 or they will have all been sold. I'd better make a shopping list. I know that I need some fresh fruit and vegetables. Maybe some All Bran and pumpkin seeds ... sorry, I drifted off there.

The Old Girl's been away for nearly a fortnight now and the place is getting into a mess. I'll have to do some housework later. Either that or get a maid in.

Ha ha - just kidding. The Old Girl would find out and Robert's hell would be nothing compared to what she'd give me.

Mind you, with my luck the agency would probably send me someone like this:

Oh well, enough of the sexist jokes, I'd better get moving.

* Sorry for those who were in the 'G' classes at school**.

** That can be taken both ways***.

*** Which is probably what those guys in the 'G' classes at school did.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Your jokes are as good as Robert's.
Your posts have about as much interest value too.


I bought that filled roll from Woolworths for my lunch and it was, as I expected, delicious. I couldn't find any (affordable) merino shirts to buy but I did buy a mat. I've posted about that if you're interested.