Thursday, 23 September 2010


.... rage! blow! You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout. Till you have drenched our steeples, drowned the cocks .

Bloody horrible weather we are having up here. It has been a week now of strong winds and intermittent rain showers (hail yesterday). This is nearly as bad as Wellington's weather. I remember winter days delivering newspapers after school that were like this. Bastard. The 'winterless North' is not supposed to be like this. This sort of weather should rightfully be somewhere else (Nuova Lazio deserves it - ed.). My newly planted herbs and vegetables are getting a battering; I can't take the garden rubbish to the rubbish tip; the cat is acting strangely; I can't play golf; I'm going stir-crazy. All this and I can't harangue Richard (of RBB) because his postal service seems to have been discontinued. Bugger!



Jeez what a bloody whinger. If it wasn't for the fact that snow drifts have covered my bloody house I wouldn't even be writing this. Its either that or cuddle the old sheila. You bastards up North don't know what a storm is. You're not a Dorklander are you? Or even worse one of those bloody Wellington poofters, the ones that go on strike all the time. Get a real job and stop moaning.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

Jeez what a bloody whinger.

You Mainlanders don't know what real winter weather is like.

Try a January in Scotland you malingering sheep-fancier. Bloody Southerners can't even build a simple bloody roof without it collapsing after a little snow.


Christ. Another one surfaces. And this one is even grumpier than me. Must be an offspring of Mean Jesus (RBB) or TSB. Grammar is too good for Second Fiddle.
I get pissed off at these South Islanders calling Aucklanders 'Dorklanders'. It suggests an inferiority complex.
OK, I do admit I was being a bit self-centred but what can you do when you read all these complaints from teachers.

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

" Must be an offspring of Mean Jesus (RBB) or TSB."

Don't blame me, anyway I suspect the Good Kiwi Bloke might actually be an Australian. Something about his word usage suggests it.

Anyway, the more GOBs about the better. We can't have people saying nice thing to each other, it's just not natural.

Anonymous said...

I put my money on it being Richard. Notice how there has been no comment all day and Richard is busy and Curmudgeon has been home all day watching the weeds grow.

Richard's brother.


I'm happy to say that the weeds haven't yet re-taken over the garden whilst I've been away. My broccoli, broccolini, spring onions, lettuce, leeks, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes and herbs might yet stand a chance.

Angry Jesus said...

Dad created the world in less bloody time than this blog is updated!

Twisted Scottish Bastard said...

"The 'winterless North' "

I've always heard the northland described as such, ever since I arrived in NZ.

Mind you the previous Principal of Nuova Lazio described NZ as a "South Pacific Sub-Tropical Paradise" when we were having an interview over the phone for a job at NLH. Bastard.
When I got off of the plane at Wellington in January, the winds were 140kph, the rain was horizontal and I was freezing.

Said Principal now abides in the Emirates in the Gulf, so I now immagine he's enjoying considerably warmer weather than we are.

If he reads this, "I hope you get Dhobi itch Rob."