Saturday, 8 September 2018


I live in a rural community that is part of a larger regional council. As such we get services from the regional council via our exorbitant rates but often, with small but nevertheless important things we have to organise as a community to get them done or paid for.

Some people in the community enjoy all of the benefits but don't lift a finger to help. It's like the Little Red Hen story but with no downside for them. One of these is a neighbour and friend. He never volunteers for committees, working bees or fundraisers but enjoys the sports and activities that are funded and worked for by the volunteers.

It's a shame.

I get involved where I can with the community association, civil defence and charity and fundraising groups. Recently I posted that I was interested in joining the Community Patrols of New Zealand which is a group that supports the police by patrolling neighbourhoods at night observing any criminal or suspicious behaviour which is recorded, documented and passed on to the police.

A blogger chose to make fun of this interest and the CPNZ suggesting that they were a bunch of silly old buggers wanting to dress up and play at being policemen.

It's a shame.

Maybe one day this blogger will have his house or vehicle broken into and vandalised and some silly old buggers watching it happen will choose not to become involved and look the other way.


Richard (of RBB) said...

So, you can write shit about me and call me nasty things in comments and that's okay. But when I write stuff about Dad's Army offence is taken. Mr Thin Skin.


Yes but life's not fair.