Sunday 16 September 2018


Thanks to Richard (of RBB) I got to have a sleep-in this morning as I didn't have to get up really early to watch a replay of the rugby. We don't have TV so I watch replays on You Tube which is OK as long as you do it early enough before you happen to see or hear the result on the news somewhere.

I made the mistake of reading Richard (of RBB)'s blog last night and he had posted the result.

I imagine that this Wainuiomartian is moving a bit slow this morning as going by the photograph he posted of himself he was looking like he was giving the chardonnay kiosk a bit of a bashing at the cake tin.



This coming from an 'adult' who believes in mythical beings, creationism and an archaic 'do-it-yourself' book.

Give us a break.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Actually I had a wine (okay, 2) at dinner and nothing to drink at the park - that's the truth - I had left my car at Woburn station and don't drink when I'm driving - I had a 4 1/2 hour break after those two wines. Maybe I just constantly look pissed now?
It was a great game and a bit of a thrill to be there to see it live. I felt sorry for my hero Beauden Barrett because it just wasn't his night. I thought the All Blacks showed a lot of character, as did their coach. The South African coach was very gracious in victory. Afterwards, as I left with a huge crowd, everyone seemed in good spirits.
I've always enjoyed watching rugby, though these days I only follow THE Hurricanes and the ABs.

Richard (of RBB) said...

THE = The