Tuesday 21 May 2019


Here are some things that have annoyed me recently.

1. Elderly women driving supermarket trolleys.

I put a cartoon on an earlier post which is funny and apt. I get pissed off at the way some people use trolleys in supermarkets and wonder how the hell they manage to drive to the store. How hard is it to push the trolley in a straight line? When poring over the selection why can't they park the trolley close to and parallel to the shelves and not leave it abandoned, at odd angles in the centre of the aisle?
And, not least, why do they have to bang into me or my trolley? I hate to say it but the worst culprits are elderly women.

2. People talking about social media

People talking about social media in terms of it being important and on a par with traditional media really get my goat. Today I listened to a book reviewer on National Radio and she did this but also shortened the term 'social media' to 'social' I wanted to chuck something at the radio. I really did!

3. Trying to contact SPARK about an issue

SPARK is a telecommunications company through which we get Broadband, landline telephone and my mobile telephone connection. I repeat - they are a telecommunications company. Do you think you can contact these buggers easily via e-mail at first instance and secondly by phone? No.

4. Buying a shower cleaner for The Old Girl

The Old Girl instructed me to go to some cleaning store I'd never heard of to buy something she'd seen advertised on TV. It was called Tiger Claw or something and it's supposed to magically clean shower doors and curtains. I found the store which seemed to have been newly opened and was full of all sorts of cleaning crap 'AS ADVERTISED ON TV'. I asked for the item and as we have four showers (2 in the house and two in the apartment) I asked the shop assistant for four of them. He looked really pleased and told me that it would be $348. I nearly fell over as they were $87 each. I told him that at that price I'd just buy one. He showed me how it works. There is a bar of soap and an empty spray bottle in a fancy pack. He said that you rub the glass with the bar of 'special' soap, fill the spray bottle with warm water and spray on the surface ........ that's it. I looked at him sideways but he didn't crack up laughing or confess his sins or anything. What a rort. But at least The Old Girl was pleased.

5. Buying cheap underpants at The Warehouse

I bought two packs (3 per pack) of boxer shorts from the Warehouse. I bought two packs because they were ridiculously cheap. After trying them for a few weeks I've given up on them and chucked them in the bin. They came from China or somewhere where men don't seem to have goolies or private bits bigger than a peanut as the crotch area was so bloody cramped they caused extreme discomfort.

6. Robert


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

1,2 and 3 are just random things.
4 was normal price because the product actually removes "scale" off the glass. It does take a lot of scrubbing and professionals use a disk attached to an electric drill. Scale happens on glass when you leave water drops after showering. It is best avoided by squeegeeing with a blade after each shower.
5. I have the same problem.
6. That's other peoples problem!


4 was successful at removing $87 from my wallet. That's all I'm saying.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Surely you have to give it a go!


I told you that I bought one for Lynn. My role in this is over. It's all up to her now.