Sunday 12 May 2019


Robert continues to blog about religion (catholicism) and to attack any counter-arguments to his blind belief that there is a god who is in charge of one true religion and that anything the bible (interestingly enough a Jewish book) says is his god's word and must be believed.

This of course is just silly but he expounds this and it becomes a source of friction in this blogging community. His (wiser and older) brother Richard reacts to Robert's naive and puerile observations and the two of them have a bit of an on-line barney which sometimes results in Robert deleting all of his posts and sometimes even the whole blog.

It makes me laugh sometimes when Robert on the one hand comes over all christian lovey-dovey with his smarmy 'turn the other cheek' aphorisms and then in another post or comment shows envy at how others live and aggression to people who don't buy into his silly religion. He labels any 'unbeliever '(read normal person) as an atheist and goes to great lengths to try and show that the 'atheists' are deluded.

I don't call myself an atheist largely because the whole business is too silly to bother about. I don't believe in gods and religions so why should I adopt a label that states the opposite.

I'm just a normal person.


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

Yes sadly you are the norm and the last few centuries have seen a preoccupation with self, covetousness, greed and lots of other things to be sure!


Pot calling the kettle black if you ask me.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes, the lovey-dovey thing gets me at times. He wasn't so kind to the people in Eastbourne.

Richard (of RBB) said...

""I beg your forgivesness" I said with false sorrow."

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

If you are upset about love should not you rejoice at my sarcasm or are you really a closet christian?


I'd reply to that if I understood what you meant.

I didn't recognise your sarcasm. Sorry, it just looked the same as your normal catholic claptrap.