Monday 27 May 2019


Ha ha ha - did you catch up with this story last week?


The irony is perfect and couldn't have been better contrived if you tried.

"It was the brainchild of Ken Ham and his ministry, Answers in Genesis, which also created the Creation Museum. Ham, is a Christian fundamentalist and creationist who argues that the Bible is a historical narrative that is meant to be taken literally.

He believes that dinosaurs lived alongside humans and that the biblical flood created the Grand Canyon. And he maintains that Noah laboured seven decades to construct his vessel and was 600 years old when the storm surged."

I guess he and his ministry took literally Jesus's rejection of 'moneychangers' otherwise they might have got better insurance and a safer 'float' of bonds.


Here are another couple of stories relating to Christian weirdos who made the news last week.


where  ......  "there is a succession plan in place so the teachings can carry on after the surviving pair are gone, although they are tight-lipped as to exactly what this entails. They are adamant Heaven’s Gate is no longer operational, and they don’t receive new members.

“The group came to an end in 1997,” they say.

“We get people who want to join everyday but we have to tell them no.”

Yet they still distribute the books and the teachings — “we do educate and supply them information, if they request it” — and presumably someone will have to handle the administration that comes with running a cult — even a largely non-operational one.

They will only confirm that, yes, there is a plan for when they pass on so Applewhite’s teachings will continue into the future and beyond.

Maybe a website refresh will be on the cards, too. After all, stranger things have happened."

There are some nutters out there but we knew that didn't we.


Richard (of RBB) said...

Yes, we did.

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

What's wrong with taking the bible literally?
They all lived longer back then.
Dinosaurs have lived with human's hence the term dragon!
You are the only nutter for not seeing what is in front of your eyes!

Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

I had a dream last night.

I was walking through a desolate quagmire of brown muddy soil. It was like a scene from Dante's Inferno. As I walked with a companion there was on the edges some under growth of low bushes in which people were taking refuge from the miserable conditions. But there were so many people in this miserable place that there was not even a space to cruel into under the bushes. So I got a stick and pushed it into the bushes to see if a space was empty. Eventually I think I found a space and we crawled in to the meager protection afforded.


That's sad.

I dreamed of Isabelle Adjani.

Richard (of RBB) said...

I dreamed about my double bass with its new strings.


Did you tell Shelley?

Richard (of RBB) said...

Her eyes go cross-eyed when I talk about playing my double bass. I thought, "Best to leave it."