Monday 20 May 2019


I'm not an idiot.
I have feelings and a social conscience.
I'm not a christian and certainly not a catholic (even though many efforts were made to make me one).

Why do christians think that they have it all in the area of morality and (their idea) of the right way of doing things? They don't own morality, ethics and the idea of conscience no matter how many biblical based arguments they put up.

Here's an old gripe I had regarding advertising standards:

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Richard (of RBB) said...

I'm with you amico and I really appreciate your intelligent thoughts. Thanks for being a voice of reason in this fucked old world.

I wrote this to Robert and will repeat it here because he may delete his post at some point.

"Robert, people like you and that rugby player, Folau, disturb me hugely.
This is why I was going to close down my blog. You won't know but we have gay people in our (younger) family. These people were born this way - it wasn't a choice on their behalf to 'sin'. IT IS WHO THEY WERE BORN TO BE. I love these young people dearly and take personal offence when morons tell them they are going to Hell* or that they are in some way inferior. THEY ARE NOT.
I also know women who are close to me who have had abortions. I'm no expert on the subject but these women needed to make hard choices and I love and respect them. I don't think these decisions were easy for them. Be careful who you accuse - maybe, if there is a god, he's smarter than you think. Just be thoughtful about who you might be hurting.

* a place I think I could be happy in"


Great words Richard.