Tuesday 7 July 2020


I've been pissed off for a while now at the insurance industry advertisements on TV that are selling funeral insurance to old people. The bastards behind this are playing on the fears and weaknesses of people in their dotage.

The advertisements have a subtle, underlying message that old people should be concerned at the cost impact of their funeral, which will be borne by their loved ones and, if they really love their children (and recipients of their worldly goods) they would make plans in advance to diminish the financial burden.

Fuck that!

In many cases the recipients will be inheriting hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of assets and should be able to stump up for the cost of a funeral out of this.
In other cases where nothing, or nearly nothing is left then how about the off-spring stumping up a few thousand to bury the oldies who brought them into this world and brought them up. If the oldies were absolute bastards then put them out for the scavenging birds to have a go.*

I see this as an odious ploy of the insurance industry to capitalise on the ageing population.

So, if this wasn't bad enough, today, while watching TV in the afternoon - OK, OK, I've already been admonished by that old school teacher from Nuova Lazio for doing this but I was tired after a few hours of walking around Wellington - I saw another advertisement from one of these carpetbaggers ( I wish that I'd noted down the company name) selling insurance to terminally ill people. This is despicable - the underlying message, like the funeral plan ones, is one of guilt if you don't provide something for the loved ones left behind.

Bad enough?

Well, in this ad (and I've seen something similar in previous life insurance ads that weren't pitched at the terminally ill), the outcome of the death is portrayed as good news for the recipient family with 'Lotto-type' imagery.

Fuck!    TIME TO GO

* Jest


Richard (of RBB) said...

Cheer up, I'll take you out tomorrow.


I sincerely hope that you 'taking me out' isn't one of those hit man movie expressions.