Tuesday 7 July 2020


* I used to think, years ago that a petard was a kind of nautical rope and, in my mind I imagined inattentive sailors getting entangled in ropes and being hoisted up into the rigging.

It was years later that I learned that the expression comes from William Shakespeare and means being blown up by your own bomb - a petard being an explosive charge.

Anyway, when The Old Girl was living in Toronto and didn't have a car she had to walk to the supermarket and complained about having to haul heavy bags of grocery goods back home. I suggested that she buy a shopping basket on wheels to which she replied "I'm not that old and infirm yet Matey!" Ongoing recommendations from me fell on deaf ears until she took this Wellington apartment and, without a car, has to walk quite a way to New World or Moore Wilson. This is OK for small purchases but for a fortnightly stock up is a bit onerous. She finally succumbed to my suggestion and bought herself a wheeled shopping cart.

It's a nifty device and ideal for hauling home heavier items like wine.

This morning, as The Old Girl is busy at work it's my duty to do shopping at both Moore Wilson (for the fancier items) and New World (for the basics). I said that I'd better take a backpack but she immediately suggested taking the shopping cart.
I said that I'd look like an old duffer. She said "Ha!"

I took the shopping cart and must admit, it was very handy.


Richard (of RBB) said...

What an amazing post! Sorry I was just looking at our fence. Did you complain about any wine today?


Not today, only last night when Lynn served up that cleanskin chardonnay that I'd bought for you.

Richard (of RBB) said...

Now, there's a woman with taste! How was the cork?


Sorry to disappoint you, you old bicycle seat sniffer, but the wine was sealed with a screwcap.