Thursday 23 July 2020


The builders were here all day making quite a racket.
The attic steps have been completed - installed and painted with a nice architrave around the hatch.

This will be great for access and I won't have to go up the narrow chute in the cupboard anymore.
(see the cupboard behind the attic stairs).

There was obviously a big mess on the floor but I told them that I'd clean it as I was itching to use my new purchase - the AL-KO Hurricane outdoor vacuum.

I called into an op-shop in town yesterday and spied this. I bought it for $25 to clean the leaves and other bits of wind-borne rubbish that accumulates in the back porch. Sweeping it away is a pain because the wind blows it back again. I'm very pleased to say that this machine, which sounds like a jet engine, more than adequately sucked up all of the dust, wood chips and other debris from the ceiling work.

The builders also chopped out chunks of weatherboard from the side of the house. Some of the weatherboards were soft with rot in places so I'm getting them replaced. Being such an old house the boards have to be specially made.

Note the message from god made by sunlight reflecting off the neighbour's house windows. I wonder what it means?


Robert Sees Things in Sky said...

It's to do with the port hole to hell in your attic I expect.

Richard (of RBB) said...

What if we get to hell and Robert's there?


"What if we get to hell and Robert's there?"

Good question that.
It's enough to drive me back to religion. Father Bliss - I'm coming back!